
July 12, 2010

00:/ are currently contributing to two post-graduate research projects relating to the ultra low energy Passivhaus standard, which is becoming increasingly well known in the UK after widespread acknowledgment across Europe. The standard sets out rigorous targets for fabric performance, airtightness, and solar gain to deliver buildings (not simply houses – a common mis-translation) that require less than 15kWh per annum per square meter for space heating. The popularity of this appracoh stems from its focus on primarily energry conservation and passive solar gain to reduce energy consumption rather than expensive renewable technologies to offset demand.

00:/ are using their experience of designing two new build private houses and the refurbishment of existing dwellings to contribute to the two studies being underatken at the University College London and Univeristy of East London, which are looking at the current obstacles to the take up of the standard  in the UK, and the impacts the standard has on design respetcively.

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